Urban Larsson - Self-organization in combinatorial games

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IMAG room 482 - access with badge.

Urban Larsson is a postdoc with the Technion's Game Theory Group - Institute of Technology, Haifa, Israel.
He will be visiting the LIG from 26 to 31 October 2017.

By generalizing the classical heap game of Wythoff Nim (a.k.a Corner-the-Lady), we have empirical evidence of self-organization of the evolution diagrams, which describe the winning strategies of the games. In one project (Blocking Wythoff Nim with Matthew Cook and Turlough Neary), we prove that a diamond shaped Cellular Automaton emulates the games. In another project (Linear Nimhoff a.k.a Generalized Diagonal Wythoff Nim), we use a method from Physics (renormalization) to describe the 'larger geometry' of the winning strategies (with Adam Landsberg, Scott Garrabrant, Eric Friedman and Ilona Phipps-Morgan).