Series of webinars on reproducible research. Episode VI. Reproducible Science in Bioinformatics


To improve our practice in terms of reproducible research, some colleagues and I organize a series of webinars where we will share our experience and thoughts and on those different themes. These webinars are open to anyone (PhD students, post-doc, engineers, researchers, …) and will be in English (possibly with a strong French accent ;-). The first five ones have addressed various topics such as:

 All the slides and videos are available here:

The next webinar will be given by:

on "Reproducible Science in Bioinformatics: Current Status, Solutions and Research Opportunities". Typical
analysis processes in bioinformatics and computational biology are complex, multi-staged, and large and may involve massive and highly heterogeneous data sets. Ensuring reproducible bioinformatics analyses is both increasingly important and highly difficult to achieve. In this webinar, the aim is three-folds:

  1.  After a quick presentation of the current status of reproducibility in bioinformatics and computational biology, a global picture of the approaches and types of solutions currently in use in the bioinformatics community will be provided.
  2. Then two real use cases of biological data analyses will be considered, demonstrated on two very popular scientific workflow systems, namely, Galaxy and OpenAlea. We'll see how complementary such systems may be and how they help end-users deal with several levels of reproducibility (from redoing the exact same analysis, to replicate it in similar contexts, to reproduce the same results considering alternative methodologies).
  3. The webinar will be wraped-up by highlighting needs and draw research opportunities for the computer science and bioinformatics communities.

It will take place on Tuesday 6th December 2016, from 1:30PM to 4:30PM (UTC+1) in the amphitheater of the IMAG building in Grenoble. It will  be screencast and interactions during the presentations will take place through written interactive documents (pad, hangout, …). The resulting videos will be edited within a few days for a better exploitation by people that would not have been able to attend the event. All the information are gathered here:

If you are interested in following these talks, you should check on the previous web page whether a room has been reserved nearby and, if not, book one and update the web page accordingly as it is always much more fun/easy to learn in company of others rather than alone in a dark office. :)

We hope to see you soon.
Arnaud Legrand