ARAMIS project on Security of SCADA Industrial Networks (OPC UA)

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University Grenoble Alps and LIG Laboratory invite applications for the following position:

  • 1 Post-Doc/Researcher (12 months, possible extension)

The applicant will work in the ARAMIS project on Security of SCADA Industrial Networks (OPC UA). The objective of the ARAMIS project is to design a security gateway for filtering and monitoring traffic in SCADA networks. In particular, we want to design innovative schemes for detecting unauthorized and potentially malicious traffic in this type of networks. The work also includes tests on a SCADA platform.

Applicants should have experience/knowledge in the following research areas:

  • Network protocols including SCADA
  • Traffic monitoring and anomaly detection
  • Security

Maximum Pay Grade: 2800 euros gross depending on qualifications.

Applicants should send a detailed curriculum vitae, the list of publications, and the names of 2 referees to Andrzej Duda.

Closing date for applications: October 30th, 2016.