Amira Derradji - Intégration automatisée de l'expertise patient dans la prise en charge de sa pathologie chronique

Organized by: 
Amira Derradji
Amira Derradji


Devant le jury composé de :

  • Mme Chantal Soule-Dupuy, professeur des universités, Uni Toulouse-I-Capitole, rapporteur
  • M. Vincent Augusto, maître de recherche HDR, Mines Saint-Etienne, rapporteur
  • Mme Nathalie Souf, maître de conférences, IUT Castres, examinatrice
  • Mme Maria Di Mascolo DR CNRS, laboratoire G-Scop, Grenoble, examinatrice
  • Mme Agnès Front, maître de conférences HDR, Université Grenoble Alpes, directrice de thèse
  • Mme Christine Verdier, professeur, Université Grenoble Alpes, co-directrice de thèse

For many years now, the deployment of ICT plays an important role in medical care of chronic pathologies, particularly in evolution of health practices and improvement of patient comfort. The chronological pathologies are naturally long and evolutionary and necessitate a regular monitoring by a multi disciplinary team while different actors intervene nearby the patient. The team defined and personalized the protocol and patient should respect it at home. However, predefined form, which presents the content of the protocol, is not necessarily complete and understandable by the patient. In addition, as each patient is unique, the definition of care protocol should be personalized and appropriated to his/her individual treatments and even sometimes to his/her requestsand personal constraints. Patient’s expertise on his/her chronic disease is a valuable information and we would like to integrate it in a personalized treatment protocol in order to improve medical care, remote monitoring of chronic disease and ultimately enhance knowledge of chronic pathology. To this end we propose (i) a computerized representation language of personalized care protocol that is sufficiently simple, intuitive and easy to understand for healthcare professionals and patients. (ii) An ontology of patient’s expertise (drawn from his/her experiences with the pathology) allows announcing unexpected situations during conducting the protocol (unexpected action or unexpected event).