Eric Rutten, INRIA ; Stéphane Mocanu, Gipsa-lab
- Supported by the STAARS (Supervisory Techniques for Autonomic, Adaptive and Reconfigurable Systems)
projet exploratoire of the LabEx Persyval-lab
- Confirmed speakers :
Adaptive and reconfigurable computing systems are becoming widespread, and have the particularity to be able to change their computing structure dynamically, in response to changes in their environment or execution platform. Motivations for the adaptivity are found in resource management, energy efficiency, or functionality. The management of adaptation has to be automated for reasons of complexity and responsiveness, and the design of reconfiguration controllers requires methods, models and tools, in order to have safe and predictable behaviors of the automated systems. One particularly interesting approach is to consider the management loop to be designed with combined competences in Computer Science and Control Theory. This workshop will feature presentations from different points of view on the topic, showing how the autonomic computing MAPE-K loop and the continuous and discrete control loops can be related, and how such aproaches can have an impact on computing systems, at scales ranging from tiny embedded systems to large-scale cloud infrastructures.