Fahui Wang - Geographical Information Systems - Powered Social Sciences, Public Policy and Planning


Fahui Wang donnera un séminaire vendredi 16 Juin à 10h sur le thème :
"Geographical Information Systems - Powered Social Sciences, Public Policy and Planning"

Nous accueillons dans notre équipe  Fahui Wang,  Professeur au Département de Géographie et d'Anthropologie de L'Université de Louisiane. Il est spécialisé en système d'information géographique et analyse spatiale pour l'aménagement du territoire.

Vous êtes tous cordialement invité à assiter à ce séminaire qui se déroulera dans la Salle de Réunion du Bâtiment IMAG (rez de chaussé - accès non badgé).


Brief biography of Fahui Wang

Fahui Wang is James J. Parsons Professor and Chair of the Department of Geography and Anthropology, Louisiana State University, USA. He had his B.S. in geography from Peking University, China (1988), and his M.A. in economics (1993) and PhD in city and regional planning (1995) from the Ohio State University. His research interests include GIS applications in human geography (urban, economic, transportation), city and regional planning, and public policy (crime and health). His work has been supported by several federal grant agencies such as the NSF, DHHS (NIH and AHRQ), HUD, DOE and DOJ (NIJ and OJJDP). He has published over 100 refereed articles. He is the editor of Geographic Information Systems and Crime Analysis (IDEA Group Publishers, 2005) and Applications of Geospatial Information Technologies in Public Health (Higher Education Press, 2016, in Chinese) and the author of Quantitative Methods and Applications in GIS (Taylor & Francis, 2006) and Socioeconomic Applications of Quantitative Methods in GIS (2nd ed., Taylor & Francis, 2015). His work has been cited over 4,200 times according to the Google Scholar (dated May 10, 2017).

The presenter discusses how “Spatially Integrated Social Sciences, Public Policy and Planning (S3P3)” is practiced in his own research. The emphasis is to illustrate how GIS helps advance the research in several fields with spatial issues. Specifically, six fields are examined: (1) history, (2) urban economics, (3) planning, (4) transportation, (5) criminology, and (6) public health. Examples were drawn from various case studies conducted by the presenter over the years.