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Find people whose last name is AMINI*. Number of person who matches the search criteria: 1.
Massih-Reza AMINI

Professor (Université Grenoble Alpes)
Team(s): AMA

Personal Website:
Massih-Reza AMINI
Contact info
Phone: +33 4 57 42 14 45
Office: 317 - Bâtiment IMAG

In HAL (Multidisciplinary open archive)

Other link:

Activities and responsibilities
My current research focuses on Machine Learning applied to large document collections for information access. I am particularly interested on the learnability of statistical models where only a small portion of data is labeled and where the aim is to take advantage of the huge unlabeled data together with labeled ones to make prediction, and on web text applications like text summarization, document categorization and ranking.
Machine Learning / Apprentissage automatique Statistical learning theory / théorie de l'apprentissage Semi-supervised learning / Apprentissage semi-supervisé Information Retrieval / Recherche d'information text summarization / résumé de texte Text categorisation / Classification de documents