Chercheur en robotique et intelligence artificielle, Malik Ghallab a apporté des contributions à des problèmes de représentation et de raisonnement sur l’action et le temps, et d’algorithmique de la planification et de l’apprentissage en robotique. Directeur de recherche au CNRS, il est l’auteur de nombreuses publications et de plusieurs ouvrages. Ses travaux lui ont valu en particulier les titres d’ECCAI Fellow et de docteur Honoris Causa de l’université de Linköping. Il a assumé diverses responsabilités scientifiques de programmes de recherche (GDR, PIR), de direction de laboratoire (LAAS-CNRS), de sociétés savantes (AFIA, ICAPS), et de participation à la direction générale d’organisme de recherche (Inria).
- Télécharger les slides (20 Mo) de Malik Ghallab lors du Keynote Speech.
Computational Science and Engineering have dramatically amplified our means for understanding and acting in the world. They correspond to the convergence of three conceptual and practical instruments for observing, stating, formalizing and solving problems, which are
These three instruments converged into exceptional capabilities of integration, of composition from elementary components to complex models and systems, of networking and dissemination. They have reached scales undreamed of before and have revolutionized most fields of knowledge and engineering. They are deeply changing the epistemic foundations and the conceptual and practical tools of scientists and engineers in order to
Computational Science and Engineering approaches open up new paradigms of investigation in physics, astronomy, chemistry, life sciences, environment sciences, and even in humanities and social sciences. They have a deep impact on the production of research, its organization, its methods of evaluation and its dissemination.
These approaches revolutionize engineering in all areas of production and services. The design of complex systems is now achieved by incremental composition of numerical models of components, permitting formal proofs of properties, realistic simulation, characterization and optimization of designed systems. The new design loop :
This talk introduces the main components of Computational Science and Engineering. It illustrates their integration and potential impacts within a few areas.