Alessandro Fenicio - Engineering Human Computer Interaction and Persuasive Technologies: study of Persuasive Paths

Organized by: 
Alessandro Fenicio
Alessandro Fenicio


Le jury est composé de : 

  • Gaëlle Calvary, professeur (Institut polytechnique de Grenoble), directeur de thèse
  • Yann Laurillau, maitre de conférences HDR (Université Grenoble Alpes), co-directeur
  • Patrick Girard, professeur (Université de Poitiers), examinateur
  • Patrick Reignier, professeur (Institut polytechnique de Grenoble), examinateur
  • Christian Bastien, professeur (Université de Lorraine), rapporteur
  • Jean Vanderdonckt, professeur (Université catholique de Louvain), rapporteur
  • Guillaume Riviere, enseignant-chercheur (ESTIA), examinateur


Societal challenges are international concerns. Daily advertising campaigns rise attention of people to make them change. However, these campaigns have limited effect. Persuasive technologies approach the difficulty of changing behavior by using digital solutions.

This thesis contributes to the engineering of persuasive interactive systems, investigating the process of behavior change. It proposes the concept of persuasive path to stimulate users in their behavior changes, proposing a method to design persuasive paths and a dedicated software architecture.

The contributions are applied and evaluated on the application Mhikes inciting users to perform and create outdoors itineraries. The evaluation results confirm the relevance of the model and of the architecture, giving new information to understand user interaction during the process toward the change.