Gilles Dowek - Logipedia: a system-independent encyclopedia of formal proofs

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Eric Gaussier
Gilles Dowek


Gilles DOWEK, Professor at l'ENS Paris-Saclay and researcher at the Institut National de Recherche en Informatique et en Automatique (INRIA), Paris

Gilles Dowek is a researcher at Inria and professeur attaché at the ENS Paris-Saclay. He has conducted research on the relationships between programming languages and mathematical language, on computerised systems for processing mathematical proofs, and on software security, as well as, epistemology and ethics of informatics. Winner of the 2007 Philosophy Award by the Académie française. He is a member of the Scientific board of the Societé informatique de France and of the CERNA, Commission de réflexion sur l'éthique de la recherche en sciences et technologies du numérique d'Allistene, and is particulary committed to the scientific mediation, informatics teaching and its society issues.