Yushinori Sagisaka - Communicative prosody generation and X-modal speech description based on sentiment information

Organized by: 
Véronique Aubergé
Yushinori Sagisaka

Yushinori Sagisaka, directeur du Sagisaka Lab ("Laboratory of Language") intégrant maths pures, NLP, IA et SHS) à Waseda (Tokyo), et longtemps directeur du département dialogue homme-machine, reconnaissance, synthèse, affective computing aux ATRs (Nara, Japon), à l'occasion de son séjour au LIG dans l'équipe GETALP et à Domus, fera un séminaire.

Si vous souhaitez le rencontrer, il sera au LIG du 12 juin au 3 juillet.


Pour mémoire :

Yoshinori Sagisaka, Professor, Applied Mathematics Department, Global Information and Telecommunication Institute and Language and Speech Science Research Labs, Waseda University. Yoshinori Sagisaka has been a professor of Waseda University since 2001. He has been working in speech and language science and engineering field for more than forty years. During this period, he has worked at NTT Electrical Communication Res. Labs. (1975-1986), ATR (1986-2007), Edinburgh University CSTR (1988), AT&T Bell Labs. (1993), Kobe University (1997-2001), NICT (2007-2012) and Waseda University (2000- ). His research interests cover speech synthesis, prosody modeling, speech recognition, speech perception and language processing. He has been engaged in quite a few international research activities including IEEE Signal Processing Society Committee Member (1990-1994), Speech Communication Journal Editorial Board (1993-2009), France Telecom CNET(Centre Nationale d’Etudes des Telecommunications) Conseiller Scientifique (1993), KTH (Royal Institute of Stockholm University) CTT (Speech Technology Center) International Advisory Committee Member (1993-), Computer Speech and Language Journal Editorial Board (1994-2009), Natural Language Engineering Journal Editorial Board (1994-2004), Permanent Council of International Conferences on Spoken Language Processing Member (1998-), Speech Communication Journal Chief Co-Editor(2001-2004), International Speech Communication Association Board (2007-2011), International Congress of Phonetic Science Board (2007-2015) and contributed as an international scientific committee member of many speech related conferences and workshops. In 2008, he initiated AESOP (Asian English Speech cOrpus Project) research consortium to promote research on the 2nd language studies and collaborations among Asian countries. He is continuing his research on scientific understanding of prosody control and cross-modal information expression reflecting human sentiment characteristics.