Lieu de soutenance :
Grande salle des colloques, bâtiment Stendhal, 1561 Rue des Résidences, 38400 Saint-Martin-d’Hères.
Membres du jury :
How to adapt translation technologies, initially designed for professional translators, to domain experts who have to translate for their company? We address this issue by first comparing the practices of two groups of translators, professional and non-professional, with two surveys. Secondly, we built a corpus of translations done by domain experts and we studied it to reinforce the analysis. The most obvious difference are the use of machine translation (MT) and the production context. Actually, the reality in companies shows texts, in source language that often cannot be processed by machines; we propose to focus on text processability. By looking at current MT technologies, it appears that, except one of them, they can either post-edit the texts that are in target language, after the translation process or pre-edit the texts that are in source language, before the translation process. We propose to take advantage of the unprecedented situation of having the "writer" and the "translator" working together, to use the writer expertise during the translation process by creating a new MT that allow editing during the process.